At the November 20th meeting, Clear Water welcomed 5 organizations that are receiving funding from our club in the 2024-2025 season. Each organization gave a brief overview of themselves, and how they are using Clear Water's funds to improve the lives of children in our community.

Hmong New Year (Nominated by: Ann Kaiser and Dianne Hughes)
True Vue, Executive Director of the Hmong Mutual Assistance Association
The Hmong Mutual Assistance Association is an organization that supports the Hmong community by providing programs for youth, the elderly, domestic violence prevention, and promotion of the Hmong culture. This October they put on the Hmong New Year, a two-day event that hosted over $3,000 people. The event celebrated the harvest and the Hmong culture with cultural dancers, singers, Hmong food and crafts. Clear Water's donation will go to next year's event.

Drug Endangered Children (Nominated by Dianne Hughes)
Dave Riewestahl (EC County Sheriff) and Katrina Ranallo, Administrative Services Division Director)
The Drug Endangered Children program provides supplies to children that have to be removed from unsafe environments. The program provides clothes, hygiene products, school supplies, etc. Clear Water's donation this year will be going to their Kids n' Cops shopping event on December 8. This year, 114 children will shop with police officers at Target for toys, clothes, and anything else they need. The entire event is supported by donations, and Clear Water is happy to be a part of a program that is celebrating its 33rd year!

Eau Claire Children's Museum (Nominated by Dianne Hughes)
Mike Lee, CEO
The Eau Claire Children's Museum had 100,000 visitors to the many wonderful exhibits in 2024. Two exciting additions to the museum are an electric vehicle and hiring a full-time educator. Clear Water's donation will be used towards the Play for All program. This program is a scholarship fund for low-income families to enjoy a yearly subscription to the museum for a reduced rate. In 2024, 34% of all memberships were funded through this program.

Power of Perception (Nominated by Kelley Hammann)
Dennis Beale, Executive Director and Patricia Cummins, Power of Perception Board President
Power of Perception is a program that supports students of color in grades 6-12 by providing tutoring, mentoring, and educational field trips. POP now has a presence in every middle and high school in Eau Claire, and they visit the juvenile detention center once a month. Considering that Wisconsin is in the top 2-3 states in the country that has the biggest achievement gap between African American students and Caucasian students, the importance of positive support is crucial. Clear Water's donation will go towards supporting this program.

Eau Claire Municipal Band (Nominated by Kelley Hammann)
Bob Baldwin, Director of the Eau Claire Municipal Band
The Eau Claire Municipal Band has been playing in the Owen Park Bandshell for over 100 years. They band plays concerts every Monday night in June and July, and is fun, free entertainment for families in the Chippewa Valley. The Band also plays prelude music at the Doll and Pet Parade each spring, with is very appreciated. Clear Water's donation to the band will go towards helping them purchase music, pay for rental of the band shell, and help Clear Water promote Kiwanis at its concerts.